How to get started
Good day! If you are reading this, you are on the right track. Before anything else, you must have 3 important things to get started on this game - Metamask account, Polygon wallet, and $MATIC
Last updated
Good day! If you are reading this, you are on the right track. Before anything else, you must have 3 important things to get started on this game - Metamask account, Polygon wallet, and $MATIC
Last updated
You'll need to add BSC (BEP-20) to your Metamask, you can do this by going into settings and adding a custom RPC. For BEP-20, it should look like this
Network name: Binance Smart Chain
New RPC URL: Chain ID: 56
Symbol: BNB
You'll also want your wallet set up for Polygon, so you should add the Polygon RPC while we're here:
You'll also want your wallet set up for Polygon, so you should add the Polygon RPC while we're here:
Network name: Polygon Main net
Chain ID: 137
Symbol: MATIC
Now that you've got some BNB in your wallet, it's time to head over to, where we can swap the BNB to a stable coin. You'll want to get USDT, USDC, or DAI. Make sure you save some BNB to cover the cost of the bridging! Pancake Swap will ask if you want to import the token to your Metamask, so go ahead and do that if you feel like it. All it does is make it visually appear and won't affect anything else we do.
Now that you've got your stablecoin of choice, and some BNB to cover gas, head over to This is our bridge from BSC to Polygon. For the "from" network, select Binance Smart Chain, and for the "to" network, select Polygon. Accept the contract and transactions that will pop up. This can take a while, (about 15 minutes the first time I did it) so as long as you get the pop up showing that the bridge is in process, have some patience that it's working.
Now that you've got some funds on polygon, you probably wanna rush over to Quickswap and buy some $MPC, but it's telling you insufficient funds. What the hell man?! First, we gotta stop by where we can swap those stablecoins for some MATIC, gas free. Just select how much you want, what you want to pay with, and you should have some MATIC now. Final step: Head on over to, and your good to go